We’ve got a post up on the Community Blog65 and you can read all about what we’re planning there.
Here are the dates and cities we’ll be in:
We’ll have a lot more in the coming weeks but for now, head over to the community blog and RSVP for the event closest to you. We’d love to meet you in person!
]]>It’s coming up on it’s been a year since Drvld’s launched our US subsidiary company and the W form submission process was introduced to the Drvld ecosystem.
Shortly, Drvld is going to be mailing two types of forms to our authors; a 1099 form for US authors and a 1042 form for non-US authors. These forms contain summaries of your income from US buyers and the amount of tax we withheld and paid to the IRS on your behalf.
]]>The upward curve of the surface of Pellucidar was constantly revealing the impossible to the surprised eyes of the outer-earthly. To see land and water curving upward in the distance until it seemed to stand on edge where it melted into the distant sky, and to feel that seas and mountains hung suspended directly above one’s head required such a complete reversal of the perceptive and reasoning faculties as almost to stupefy one. No sooner had we hidden the canoe than Ja
]]>Since then he had been skulking along towards Maybury, in the hope of getting out of danger Londonward. People were hiding in trenches and cellars, and many of the survivors had made off towards Woking village and Send. He had been consumed with thirst until he found one of the water mains near the railway arch smashed, and the water bubbling out like a spring upon the road.